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Antioxidantien, Literatur , Einzelnachweise,

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  • Antioxidantien, Literatur , Einzelnachweise,

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    • L. R. Mahoney: Antioxidantien. In: Angewandte Chemie. Band 81, Nr. 15, 1969, S. 555–563, doi:10.1002/ange.19690811503.
    • M. H. Carlsen u. a.: The total antioxidant content of more than 3100 foods, beverages, spices, herbs and supplements used worldwide. In: Nutrition Journal 9, 2010, 3. doi:10.1186/1475-2891-9-3 (Open Access unter CC-by-2.0)
    1. Hochspringen↑ Schulz, T. J. et al. (2007): Glucose restriction extends Caenorhabditis elegans life span by inducing mitochondrial respiration and increasing oxidative stress. In: Cell Metabolism. 6(4); 280–293; PMID 17908557
    2. Hochspringen↑ Ristow, M. et al. (2009): Antioxidants prevent health-promoting effects of physical exercise in humans. In: Proc Natl Acad Sci106: 8865-8870; PMID 19433800
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    4. Hochspringen↑ Ristow, M (2014): Unraveling the truth about antioxidants: mitohormesis explains ROS-induced health benefits. in: Nature Medicine, 20, 709–711; PMID 24999941
    5. Hochspringen↑ Shadel, G.S. & Horvath, T.L. (2015): Mitochondrial ROS signaling in organismal homeostasis. in: Cell, 163, 560-569; PMID 26496603
    6. Hochspringen↑ Bjelakovic, G. et al. (2007): Mortality in randomized trials of antioxidant supplements for primary and secondary prevention: systematic review and meta-analysis. In: JAMA 299(7); 842-857; PMID 17327526
    7. Hochspringen↑ Bjelakovic, G. et al. (2012): Antioxidant supplements for prevention of mortality in healthy participants and patients with various diseases. In: Cochrane Database Syst Rev 14; CD007176; PMID 22419320
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    9. Hochspringen↑ Gene Ontology: Antioxidant activity (Definition, englisch)
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    17. Hochspringen↑ Krebsinformationsdienst des deutschen Krebsforschungszentrums, Heidelberg (DKFZ): Ernährung und Krebsvorbeugung: Kann die Ernährung das Krebsrisiko beeinflussen? 17. April 2007. Abgerufen am 3. September 2014.
    18. Hochspringen↑ Antioxidanzien treiben wohl Ausbreitung von Krebs voran, SPEKTRUM.DE, 9. Okt. 2015.
    19. Hochspringen↑ Scudellari, M.: The science myths that will not die In: Nature, 528 (7582), 2015, S. 322–325, doi:10.1038/528322a.
    20. Hochspringen↑ Bjelakovic, G. et al. (2007): Mortality in randomized trials of antioxidant supplements for primary and secondary prevention: systematic review and meta-analysis. In: JAMA 299(7); 842-857; PMID 17327526
    21. Hochspringen↑ Bjelakovic, G. et al. (2012): Antioxidant supplements for prevention of mortality in healthy participants and patients with various diseases. In: Cochrane Database Syst Rev 14; CD007176; PMID 22419320
    22. Hochspringen↑ Lee Hooper, Colin Kay, Asmaa Abdelhamid, Paul A. Kroon, Jeffrey S. Cohn: Effects of chocolate, cocoa, and flavan-3-ols on cardiovascular health: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials. In: The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Band 95, Nr. 3, 1. März 2012, ISSN 0002-9165, S. 740–751, doi:10.3945/ajcn.111.023457, PMID 22301923 ([abgerufen am 27. Juli 2016]).
    23. Hochspringen↑ Roberto Sansone, Ana Rodriguez-Mateos, Jan Heuel, David Falk, Dominik Schuler: Cocoa flavanol intake improves endothelial function and Framingham Risk Score in healthy men and women: a randomised, controlled, double-masked trial: the Flaviola Health Study. In: British Journal of Nutrition. Band 114, Nr. 08, 1. Oktober 2015, ISSN 1475-2662, S. 1246–1255, doi:10.1017/S0007114515002822, PMID 26348767, PMC 4594054 (freier Volltext) – ( [abgerufen am 27. Juli 2016]).
    24. Hochspringen↑ Project FLAVIOLA – Pursuing advances in cardiovascular health. In: Abgerufen am 27. Juli 2016.
    25. Hochspringen↑ Scientific Opinion on the modification of the authorisation of a health claim related to cocoa flavanols and maintenance of normal endothelium-dependent vasodilation pursuant to Article 13(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 following a request in accordance with Article 19 of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 | European Food Safety Authority. In: Abgerufen am 27. Juli 2016.
    26. ↑ Hochspringen nach:a b Helmut Sies, Peter C. H. Hollman, Tilman Grune, Wilhelm Stahl, Hans K. Biesalski: Protection by Flavanol-Rich Foods Against Vascular Dysfunction and Oxidative Damage: 27th Hohenheim Consensus Conference. In: Advances in Nutrition: An International Review Journal. Band 3, Nr. 2, 1. März 2012, ISSN 2156-5376, S. 217–221, doi:10.3945/an.111.001578, PMID 22516731, PMC 3648724 (freier Volltext) – ( [abgerufen am 27. Juli 2016]).
    27. Hochspringen↑ Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to: flavonoids and ascorbic acid in fruit juices, including berry juices (ID 1186); flavonoids from citrus (ID 1471); flavonoids from Citrus paradisi Macfad. (ID 3324, 3325); flavonoids (ID 1470, 1693, 1920); flavonoids in cranberry juice (ID 1804); carotenoids (ID 1496, 1621, 1622, 1796); polyphenols (ID 1636, 1637, 1640, 1641, 1642, 1643); rye bread (ID 1179); protein hydrolysate (ID 1646); carbohydrates with a low/reduced glycaemic load (ID 476, 477, 478, 479, 602) and carbohydrates which induce a low/reduced glycaemic response (ID 727, 1122, 1171); alfalfa (ID 1361, 2585, 2722, 2793); caffeinated carbohydrate-containing energy drinks (ID 1272); and soups (ID 1132, 1133) pursuant to Article 13(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 | European Food Safety Authority. In: Abgerufen am 27. Juli 2016.
    28. Hochspringen↑ Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to various food(s)/food constituent(s) and protection of cells from premature aging, antioxidant activity, antioxidant content and antioxidant properties, and protection of DNA, proteins and lipids from oxidative damage pursuant to Article 13(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 | European Food Safety Authority. In: Abgerufen am 27. Juli 2016.
    29. ↑ Hochspringen nach:a b American Chemical Society: Coffee is number one source of antioxidants, 28. August 2005.
    30. Hochspringen↑ Vitamin C- Viel hilft viel?; UGB – Gesundheitsberatung
    31. Hochspringen↑ Vivekananthan DP, Penn MS, Sapp SK, Hsu A, Topol EJ: Use of antioxidant vitamins for the prevention of cardiovascular disease: meta-analysis of randomised trials. In: Lancet. 361, Nr. 9374, Juni 2003, S. 2017–23. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(03)13637-9. PMID 12814711.
    32. Hochspringen↑ Bjelakovic, G. et al. (2007): Mortality in randomized trials of antioxidant supplements for primary and secondary prevention: systematic review and meta-analysis. In: JAMA 299(7); 842-857; PMID 17327526
    33. Hochspringen↑ Bjelakovic, G. et al. (2012): Antioxidant supplements for prevention of mortality in healthy participants and patients with various diseases. In: Cochrane Database Syst Rev 14; CD007176; PMID 22419320
    34. Hochspringen↑ M. Heberer: Vitaminpräparate steigern Diabetes-Risiko. In: Informationsdienst Wissenschaft vom 11. Mai 2009
    35. Hochspringen↑ M. Ristow, K. Zarse, A. Oberbach, N. Klöting, M. Birringer, M. Kiehntopf, M. Stumvoll, C. R. Kahn, M. Blüher: Antioxidants prevent health-promoting effects of physical exercise in humans. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Band 106, Nummer 21, Mai 2009, S. 8665–8670. doi:10.1073/pnas.0903485106. PMID 19433800. PMC 2680430(freier Volltext).
    36. Hochspringen↑ Antioxidanzien können Krebs-Patienten schaden. Bei: Internisten im Netz vom 8. August 2008
    37. Hochspringen↑ Können Vitamine und Mineralstoffe Arteriosklerose vorbeugen?; UGB – Gesundheitsberatung
    38. Hochspringen↑ Nicole Unger-Manhart Freie Radikale und Antioxidantien (PDF; 811 kB).
    39. Hochspringen↑ Oxidativer Stress und Möglichkeiten seiner Messung aus umweltmedizinischer Sicht (PDF; 777 kB), Empfehlung des Robert Koch-Instituts, doi:10.1007/s00103-008-0720-5
    40. Hochspringen↑ M. Yang, S. J. Chung, C. E. Chung, D. O. Kim, W. O. Song, S. I. Koo, O. K. Chun: Estimation of total antioxidant capacity from diet and supplements in US adults. In: The British journal of nutrition.Band 106, Nummer 2, Juli 2011, S. 254–263. doi:10.1017/S0007114511000109, PMID 21320369.
    41. Hochspringen↑ M. E. Darvin, M. C. Meinke, W. Sterry, J. Lademann: “Optical methods for noninvasive determination of carotenoids in human and animal skin.” In: “Journal of Biomedical Optics.” Band 18, Nummer 6, Paper 061230, Juni 2013, PMID 23426582.
    42. Hochspringen↑ Institute of Medicine. National Academy of Science. Food and Nutrition Board. Panel on Dietary Antioxidants and Related Compounds. Subcommittees on Upper Reference Levels of Nutrients and Interpretation and Uses of DRIs. Standing Committee on the Scientific Evaluation of Dietary Reference Intakes: “Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium, and Carotenoids.” Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2000, [1]
    43. Hochspringen↑ M. E. Darvin, C. Sandhagen, W. Koecher, W. Sterry, J. Lademann, M. C. Meinke: Comparison of two methods for nonivasive determination of carotenoids in human and animal skin: Raman spectroscopy versus reflection spectroscopy. In: Journal of Biophotonics. Band 5, Nummer 7, S. 550–558, 2012, PMID 22271669.
    44. Hochspringen↑ Antioxidant Ingredients, INCI (Memento vom 28. Januar 2013 im Internet Archive)
    45. Hochspringen↑ Zusatzstoff-Zulassungsverordnung – ZZulV